The Academy Triangle

At Brookfield Academy, we believe parents have the ultimate responsibility for their child's education.
One of the ways we express our belief in the role of parents is something we call "The Academy Triangle," which represents the combined efforts of parents, teachers, and students to achieve educational excellence.

Together, the three sides of the Triangle support and balance one another, giving shape to the exceptional Brookfield Academy education.

List of 3 items.

  • Students

    The students' role is to aim high, work hard, and achieve to the utmost of their abilities while assuming full responsibility for their actions and choices.
  • Parents

    The parents' role is to make academic pursuits the students' top priority. Parents cheer and praise their students' accomplishments and support them in times of difficulty.
  • Teachers

    The teachers' role is to challenge and guide students, creating an atmosphere of excellence and an expectation of success, inspiring students to do their best.
"Our parents and teachers come together in amazing ways to help young people grow in the knowledge, confidence, and compassion to go out into the world and do incredible things."
An Independent College Preparatory Day School | K3 to Grade 12