The Mission of Brookfield Academy is to graduate students prepared for college and life, educated in the skills, values, and heritage of responsible, constructive, free people.
100% of our students go on to college or university.
National Championship! Students Elsie Mumper (Level 7) and Lucille Mumper (Level 3) are both accomplished dancers competing in the genres of ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and tap. Elsie has been formally dancing since she was one year old and just recently began "on her toes" in pointe. Lucille began at the age of three. This summer the girls traveled to Las Vegas with their teams to participate on behalf of their studio in the national championship for the distinction of "Honored Studio" and they won! Outstanding!
Gratulationes! Ilina Joshi, Level 10 and Ishani Joshi. Level 9, were both winners in the National Junior Classical League (NJCL) Digital Contest and each were awarded a $500 scholarship to attend the NJCL National Convention in July. NJCL organized the National Classical Etymology Exam, the National Roman Civilization Exam, and the National Latin Vocabulary Exam. Nationwide, more than 3,400 students took Etymology, more than 1,500 students took Roman or Hellenic Civilization, and more than 1,900 students took Latin Vocabulary. Students who earned gold medals in at least two of these online contests were eligible to apply for cash awards. Winners were determined by an essay discussing the role of technology in the Classics.
Congratulations to Johanna Zaleski who won several awards for her artwork at the Walworth County Fair. She won 1st place for her Paper Dress and a Ballpoint Drawing and 2nd place for her mixed media piece titled "Junk in the Trunk" (pictured). Her work was entered in the junior division and judged with pieces from other young adults in the area.