Planned Giving

Estate Planning with a Purpose

Estate planning is a process of planning for efficient handling of the estate in the event of death. Estate planning includes administration, disposition, and distribution of individual's property and assets.
Perhaps you've already made some estate planning decisions and even have some of the pieces of your estate plan in place. But are they working together to reflect your personal values? Do you have a plan to pass on more than just your wealth, but your principles and beliefs? A planned gift to Brookfield Academy will help ensure that the principles on which the Academy was founded, and the mission that lives on today, will be carried on for generations to come.

Impact the Future

Mr. Ron Krizek, Alumni Parent, Smeeth Society Charter Member

"Meeting students and seeing their progress is something I really enjoy. Hearing those stories, I know I've made a difference in their lives."
Which Gift Matches Your Goals? There is a gift for every objective.

Mr. Burleigh Jacobs, Alumni Parent, Grandparent and Great Grandparent, Smeeth Society Charter Member

"We certainly had an imagination of success and knew BA was going to be a different place. What we've got now is impressive."

List of 11 items.

  • Bequests

    Leave your legacy by making a gift in your will to Brookfield Academy. A bequest is one of the simplest ways to remember those you care about most. The following are special considerations when you plan a charitable bequest to help support our mission.
  • Unrestricted Bequests

    This is a gift for our general purposes, to be used at the discretion of our governing board. A gift like this, without conditions attached, is frequently the most useful, as it allows us to determine the wisest and most pressing need for the funds at the time of receipt.
  • Restricted Bequests

    This type of gift allows you to specify how the funds are to be used. Perhaps you have a special purpose or project in mind. If so, it's best to consult BA when you make your will to be certain your intent can be carried out.
  • Honorary or Memorial Bequest

    This is a gift given "in honor of" or "in memory of" someone. We are pleased to honor your request and have many ways to grant appropriate recognition.
  • Endowed Bequest

    This bequest allows you to restrict the principal of your gift, requiring us to hold the funds permanently and use only the investment income they generate. Creating an endowment in this manner means that your gift can continue giving indefinitely.
  • Retained Life Estate

    One of your valued possessions, your home, can become a valued gift to us even while you are still living in it and even if you want your spouse or other survivor to live there for life. This arrangement is called a retained life estate.
  • Charitable Lead Trust

    If your goal is to provide an inheritance for your children, but you would also like to make a significant charitable gift through your estate, find out how a charitable lead trust can help you satisfy both objectives. A charitable lead trust that can provide a significant charitable gift through your estate and provide an inheritance to your children.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    What are your plans for the future? While there is no single way to achieve all of your personal and financial goals, there is one strategy that can meet many of your needs. It is called a charitable remainder trust. In the right circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments, rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support.
  • Wealth Replacement Trust

    Perhaps you would like to make a sizable contribution to us now to help with current needs, but you don't want to reduce the estate you will pass to family. Purchasing life insurance might be the answer.
  • The Smeeth Society

    By including BA in your estate plan, you become a member of The Smeeth Society. Founded in 2003, the Smeeth Society is named in honor of Bill Smeeth, a founder and first headmaster of Brookfield Academy. The Smeeth Society recognizes those individuals dedicated to keeping the lamp of learning brilliantly lit even after they are gone.

    William Beye Smeeth Society Members:
    Brad and Nicole Bayerlein
    Mrs. Walter S. Davis
    W. Stewart and Sandra M. Davis
    Janet and Burleigh Jacobs
    Dr. Nyle and Darlene Kardatzke
    Richard and Sharon Koenings
    Ronald and Marjorie Krizek
    R. Scott Krizek
    William L. Law Foundation, Inc.
    John O. and Carol Mitchell
    Tim and Julie O’Malley
    Dr. Arch and Mrs. Judy Pequet
    Larry and Pat Schlick
    Bob and Karen Solsrud
    Matthew and Amy Strong
    C. Merrill and Mary York
  • Learn More

    If wealth protection and ensuring a bright future for Brookfield Academy interest you, we suggest you seek professional guidance in constructing a sound estate plan.
An Independent College Preparatory Day School | K3 to Grade 12