Mission & Academics Blog

Family Makes the Difference

By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
I often reflect on how grateful I am to be working at Brookfield Academy and I ask myself what makes this place so special to me. 

Yes, I do love the curriculum and of course, I value the Five Stars tremendously. The view from the Primary School assembly each morning around the flagpole is always inspiring. I appreciate so many other things as well. But truly what makes BA the treasure that it is to me are the families. The parents and children who chose to be a part of this community, who get up every morning and show up. The education we provide attracts parents interested in both strong academics and character development for their children. Our families are what makes the difference.
BA was founded by families and since the beginning, the school has regarded the family as the primary educational institution and respected the rightful authority of parents. Our school, any school, is seen as an extension of the family with responsibility delegated by the family. 

Family life creates the very fabric of a school. Family is where children develop their values and character. BA is privileged to come alongside and support these values. Family is where children develop a sense of belonging and the joy of working and playing and learning together. Again, BA strives to strengthen these very relationships and build up our young peoples’ confidence and help them grow through the challenges. We have come to call this interrelationship, the Academy Triangle - parent, child, teacher - all working together. It is invaluable and very real. But at the heart of this triangle is the family.   

Not every child is perfectly obedient and hard-working. And parents challenge us to do our best by asking important questions and sharing their views. But perfection is not the goal. Learning, growth, engaging with the topics and concerns at hand, striving to improve for the benefit of our students - that is why I show up each morning. Our families bring our school to life! They share their children with us and we keep learning from them on a daily basis. 

There is a special power that families are blessed with - they can advance the  flourishing of their children like no other entity. It takes time and energy but it makes all the difference. That power comes from their unconditional support, shared quality times, encouragement of personal growth and, of course, love. I see all of these things play out around me every day - from our littlest Little Knights to our seniors working toward their graduation and next big adventures.   

My goal is for all families to recognize the power they have - invest in it wholeheartedly - and celebrate their beautiful children. 

Family makes all the difference. Family is what makes this a place I am privileged to be a part of.
An Independent College Preparatory Day School | K3 to Grade 12