Brookfield Academy Mission

"The mission of Brookfield Academy is to graduate students prepared for college and life, educated in the skills, values, and heritage of responsible, constructive, free people."

Brookfield Academy's program

is integrated from pre-kindergarten through high school, with differences in focus and emphasis appropriate to the developmental needs of children at various levels.
The most stimulating phase of the program, when theoretical discussions supplement prescribed activities, occurs in the Upper School, for which the Primary, Lower, and Middle Schools are preparation.

Consistent with the belief in basic education, Brookfield Academy's program seeks to empower graduates to compete, contribute, and thrive in tomorrow's society. Success at Brookfield Academy is reflected in academic mastery and character development, as well as in knowledge and development of individual strengths. Graduates know themselves and have confidence in their gifts.
Teachers work for the full development of students, in and out of the classroom, and respect their differing abilities and styles of learning.
Teachers devote time and effort to the creation of imaginative programs implementing the Mission, and believe in the efficacy of an entire institution pursuing common goals.

Brookfield Academy recognizes the innate worth of each divinely created child and seeks to prepare its students for personal and academic growth to their fullest potential in the pursuit of excellence in their lives, so that as graduates they are able to play meaningful roles in their families, communities, and careers by manifesting the values, expressing the attitudes, and practicing the skills of responsible, constructive, free people.
An Independent College Preparatory Day School | K3 to Grade 12