Mission & Academics Blog


By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
So, I have been thinking - what makes a school and its students flourish? What is that “it factor”? How can administrators and parents contribute to that something special that makes a school a place of wonder, learning, and growth for its students?  

Well, I noticed something this week…actually, in two school days plus one snow day ;-). Here it is: I am surrounded by adults who love learning, who keep studying and growing, and are willing to discuss and learn from each other.  

My week thus far…
  • Two different teachers from different divisions contacted me to enthusiastically share the books they are reading and wondering if I am interested in joining them or inviting more teachers to do the same. 
  • I met with a lively group of Primary School (PS) teachers eager and willing to give a week of their summer vacation to learn more about phonics and best practices for their students.
  • I spent over an hour with a team of administrators discussing Mission and how it impacts our decisions.
  • An Upper School (US) teacher reached out to me for resources she can use for a professional development opportunity she is sharing with her colleagues.
  • A PS teacher pulled me aside to ask if we could meet to discuss a topic in which she is currently interested.
  • Two Lower School (LS) teachers took the time to share what they have been learning about recently. 
  • I am working with two administrators to plan some lessons on learning and the brain with adults and students. 
  • Another colleague shared all his summer learning plans and goals - it was amazing! 
All this came about quite naturally without my seeking anyone out…it is just a typical week. But it occurs to me now that this learning attitude is key to building a place where knowledge, reflection, and curiosity are valued. Living and working in an environment where everyone around you is still learning has to make a powerful difference. I am inspired and grateful for the people I work alongside. We are creating a space where young people can build positive habits, grow in enthusiasm, and seek out truth about themselves and the world around them.  

With all that in mind, I hope that many of you choose to join me and several of my colleagues at the upcoming Classical Heritage Series. The love of learning is contagious…let’s spread it. 
An Independent College Preparatory Day School | K3 to Grade 12